Monday, June 21, 2010

Manners & Etiquette: For a Job Interview (part two)

Manners & Etiquette: For a Job Interview
(Part Two, how to dress)

* For the Ladies*

Do not wear too much make up, keep it simple.

-If you decide to wear open toe shoes, make sure your feet are well manicured.

-Keep the perfume light.

-Keep the jewerly limited (No dangling earrings, or arms full of bracelets)

- No jewerly is better than cheap jewerly.

-Professional hairstyle

-If wearing a suit, solid dark colors are best.

-Neatly manicured clean nails.

-Skirts should be long enough so that you can sit down comfortably.

-If wearing a skirt, nylons are a must.

-Avoid miniskirts, tight, revealing, or worn out clothing.

-Cross your legs at the ankle, never at the knee.


-If wearing a suit (solid colors such as: black, navy or dark grey are best)

-Long sleeve shirt (white or coordinated with the suit)

-Wear a belt, tie, dark socks, and conservative leather shoes.

-Little or no jewerly is best.

-Neat, professional hairstyle.

-Limit the aftershave or cologne.

-No body odor.

-Have a firm handshake.



Manners & Etiquette: For a Job Interview (part one)

Manners & Etiquette: For a Job Interview
(Part One, Etiquette)

- It is always better to be over dressed, rather than under dressed for the interview.

-Always arrive ten minutes early to the interview. No earlier or later.

-NEVER wear flip flops.

-Always sit up straight and confident.

-Make eye contact with the person interviewing you.

-NEVER chew gum while in an interview.

-Do not cross your arms, simply place your hands in your lap with ease.

-Turn your cell phone off.

-Do not show up with soda or coffee in your hand.

-If you have tattoos keep them covered (unless otherwise stated in the dress code of the company)

-If you have a lot of piercings, leave some of your rings at home (earrings only, is a good rule).

-Bring a breath mint and use it before entering the building.

-Remain standing until your interviewer asks you to be seated.

-Avoid fidgeting while speaking to your interviewer.

-Don't answer with nods or head shakes. Use your words to answer questions.

-Keep a positive attitude.

-Speak clearly; refrain from using "uh's", "you know", and other slang terms.

-Always shake each interviewer's hand, also thank them after the interview is complete.



Thursday, June 17, 2010

MODERN DATING:Manners & Etiquette


Manners & Etiquette

1) Gentlemen: Please do not "high five" or "fist pump" a lady, leave that action for when hanging out with your buddies

2) Ladies & Gentlemen: please do not break up via text message.

3) Ladies & Gentlemen: please do not consume too much alcohol on a first day. It will not leave a good impression.

4) Ladies & Gentlemen: please do not express your inner feelings through the internet or text message, do it face to face.

5) Ladies: please do not place your purse on the table while out to dinner, simply place it beside you on the chair/booth.
Also NEVER dump the contents of your purse out while in public.

6) Ladies & Gentlemen: it is always proper to not place your elbows on the table.

7) Ladies: please sit up straight when at the table.

8) Gentlemen: always walk on the outside of ladies when outside near the street. So that you are between the street and the lady for safety.

9) Ladies & Gentlemen: try not to play on your phone while talking with one another, it is very rude and makes the other person feel less important. Only take a call if it is an emergency and excuse yourself from the table.

10) Ladies & Gentlemen: "Please" and "Thank You" will ALWAYS be the magic words.

11) Ladies: NEVER put on your make-up on out in public, please do that task in the privacy of your home.

12) Ladies & Gentleman: know when it is acceptable to drink from a straw and when it is not acceptable.

13) Ladies & Gentlemen: when approaching a door, who ever gets there first is to open the door for the other.

14) Ladies: if a gentlemen opens the car door for you, please lean over and unlock his door so that he does not have to fumble with the keys trying to unlock his door.

15) Ladies & Gentlemen: if you are out in a group of people, please try to include everyone in the conversation.

16)Gentlemen: please to do not use the terms "Dude", "Bro", "Man" when addressing a lady. She will never be one of those words.

17) Gentlemen: please do not rough house with a lady.

18) Ladies & Gentlemen: be a good listener.

19)Ladies & Gentlemen: please give sincere complimenets.

20) Ladies & Gentlemen: do not take a date out of desparation.

.... there will be more to come


Wednesday, June 16, 2010



-A Lady never curses in front of others.

-A Lady never gossips.

-A Lady knows that trends come & go, while true style is timeless.

-A Lady knows that whenever there is a doubt about the color, black is best.

-A Lady does not feel the urge to wear eight rings on one hand.

-A Lady doesn't kiss and tell.

-A Lady does not talk during a performance, a sermon, or a lecture.

-A Lady knows how to make others feel at ease.

-A Lady never gives the impression she is on the rebound.

-A Lady does not lead men on.

-A Lady always thinks before speaking.

-A Lady excuses herself when she is in a public place and needs to make a call on her cell phone.

-A Lady knows when it is time to say goodnight.

-A Lady opens the door for others entering the building behind her.

-A Lady knows how to be a friend to other ladies as well as gentlemen.

-A Lady does not wear clothes so revealing that they embarrass others.

- A Lady donates the clothing she no longer wears to those less fortunate than she.

-A Lady never asks another lady what her outfit cost or what size it is.

-A Lady knows when it is acceptable to drink through a straw.

-A Lady never assumes that somebody else will pick up the tab.

-A Lady knows that "Please" and "Thank You" are still the magic words.

-A Lady never says or does things that make others feel small.

-A Lady allows others to finish their thoughts and sentences.

-A Lady never reveals her age.

-A Lady never asks anyone to divulge his or her age.

-A Lady knows how to dress appropriately for the workplace. If she is to be taken seriously and respected, she must project that sense of style and posture. It starts from within and should be reflected on the outside as well.

-A Lady realizes that the more professionally she presents herself in the workplace, the more seriously she will be taken.

-A Lady knows how to defend herself and takes a self-defense course if she chooses.

-A Lady expects the men in her life to understand the meaning of the word "No". Otherwise, she simply does not make them apart of her life.

-A Lady never gets behind the wheel of her car if she has had too much to drink.

-A Lady stands up for herself and is never a doormat.

-A Lady does not walk through a parking lot alone if possible. She is aware of the people around her and in particular anyone who may be following her.

-A Lady realizes that a tan is not worth the risk of skin cancer. She uses sunblock when she goes out in the sun. A lady knows there are many products on the market today that will give her the appearance of a tan without the danger.

-A Lady does not speak badly of her ex's or other people she has dated.

-A Lady knows how to make others feel at ease.





I will first start by introducing myself, my name is Corey Thomas although most people simply know
me by Miss Corey.

I am not quite sure where that nickname got started. I believe it was started by some of my

family members. They first gave me the nickname Little Miss Corey, slowly the "little" part of the nickname was dropped and so Miss Corey was the name that stuck. I have grown quite fond of the term as I feel it is respectable and proper.

I love writing so this is the reason I have started a blog. A few of my close friends have convinced me to purse this form of writing. I write about many different subjects. A few examples would be Poetry, Short Stories, Fiction, Non-Fiction, as well as Modern Manners and Etiquette.

Modern Manners and Etiquette will most likely be my main subject for this blog, but I will post a few of my poems as well.

As I am growing older, I have become very fascinated by etiquette and manners. I think I have read just about every book out on the market on this subject. As I continue to teach myself what is the "proper and respectable" way of acting around others and in social situations. I find myself observing those around me. How they present themselves in society. I have noticed that manners and etiquette have become less important in these peoples daily lives, as they once use to be held with such high regard.

It deeply saddens me how ladies act in this modern day. The ladies that I have observed do not have respect for others, but more importantly for themselves. I have come to learn that when you respect yourself, hold your head high and confident other people tend to respect you more highly.

I have created this blog in hopes that ladies and gentleman will read this and take these modern day rules of etiquette into their daily lives. I will be writing on many subjects regarding the matter.

Thank you for taking the time to read my introduction to my new blog. I hope I can help educate others and make this world a little more well mannered.
