Monday, June 21, 2010

Manners & Etiquette: For a Job Interview (part one)

Manners & Etiquette: For a Job Interview
(Part One, Etiquette)

- It is always better to be over dressed, rather than under dressed for the interview.

-Always arrive ten minutes early to the interview. No earlier or later.

-NEVER wear flip flops.

-Always sit up straight and confident.

-Make eye contact with the person interviewing you.

-NEVER chew gum while in an interview.

-Do not cross your arms, simply place your hands in your lap with ease.

-Turn your cell phone off.

-Do not show up with soda or coffee in your hand.

-If you have tattoos keep them covered (unless otherwise stated in the dress code of the company)

-If you have a lot of piercings, leave some of your rings at home (earrings only, is a good rule).

-Bring a breath mint and use it before entering the building.

-Remain standing until your interviewer asks you to be seated.

-Avoid fidgeting while speaking to your interviewer.

-Don't answer with nods or head shakes. Use your words to answer questions.

-Keep a positive attitude.

-Speak clearly; refrain from using "uh's", "you know", and other slang terms.

-Always shake each interviewer's hand, also thank them after the interview is complete.



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